Taylex wastewater systems, Benalla

A small city in the northeast of Victoria, Benalla is home to the renowned Benalla Art Gallery, Winton Motor Raceway, Winton Wetlands, and some amazing silo and street art. APL Wastewater Services is proud to be servicing homes in this beautiful city with septic tank systems and Taylex wastewater systems Benalla residents can trust.

Our supply and installation, and servicing of Taylex wastewater systems and septic tanks make sure that wastewater is treated, disposed of, and reused properly to keep everyone and the environment safe and healthy.

Taylex is a leading manufacturer of wastewater treatment systems and septic tanks in Australia. APL is an authorised distributor and supplier of Taylex Systems.

For more information on how our services for septic tanks and Taylex wastewater systems in Benalla can help your home’s wastewater treatment needs, contact us today.